Corp CRM

Corporate clients relationship management system

Design user-friendly and motivating system UI

Corporate clients managers at SME, Middle, Large and International businesses

The existing Siebel oCRM causes severe discomfort at work and demotivates employees
Why did we make an individual design for the internal system?
Corporate clients managers have been forced to work in Siebel oCRM for a long time. This system was universal for all bank employees. The corporate manager’s UX contained so many unnecessary elements that oCRM itself have became a barrier to fill the customer’s database. The archaic UI was also demotivating for employees. And universal solutions existing on the market did not cover the tasks of the bank.
In-depth interviews
The key insights to the UI architecture design were obtained through in-depth interviews. During my work on Corp CRM I organized and moderated more than 200 user interviews.
To get a complete vision
manager work process I built CJM
based on group interviews with managers in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Yekaterinburg
All actions performed in CRM by the manager are somehow connected with the client’s organization. Organization card is the most demanded and overloaded part of the system.
When a manager deals with a new organization he have to contribute the information about it in CRM. The pains of the users of the old system were so strong that they contributed only about those clients that are definitely agreed to purchase some financial products. Any other organizations did not get into the system at all.
Each meeting with a corporate client should be reported in the system. Such a report is very useful if the manager is ill or goes on vacation. His colleagues can look up the history of meetings, sort out arrangements and ensure the proper level of customer service.
the most important
CorpCRM were launched in summer 2019.
Managers were able to intuitively understand all the processes without a single instruction.
First goal achieved: DAU 60%